
Spalter Str. 8
91126 Schwabach

Contact us!

Do you have questions about our scope of services or are you currently planning to digitize your company?

Just write to us or call us directly!


Südwestpark 63
90449 Nürnberg


Calea Torontalului 69
Vox Techn. Park, unit a
Timisoara, jud. Timis, Romania

Write to us

Consent to the processing of personal data

By checking the box, I consent to iconec GmbH processing and using my above-mentioned data to provide information about the requested and comparable objects. In the sense of Article 6 (1b) of the Basic Data Protection Regulation DSGVO, these are pre-contractual measures.

My consent is voluntary and can be revoked for the future at any time. Failure to provide consent or its revocation will result in iconec GmbH not being able to provide any pre-contractual services. Further information such as my data subject rights according to Articles 15 to 22 of the DSGVO or ways to contact me (e.g. to revoke my consent to data processing) can be found in the Privacy policy.

Vielen Dank für Ihre Nachricht!

Ihr Anliegen wird umgehend geprüft und an den passenden Mitarbeiter weitergeleitet. Wir melden uns in Kürze bei Ihnen zurück!